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Finding Aqua

- Yamam Khartash

On a faraway cloud, Hydra the water droplet was happily bouncing around when a loud voice interrupted her, saying, "Come on, droplets - it's time to rain!" Hydra shivered and said "Rain? No way, I can't do this. It's such a long way down..." But the droplet in charge said, "Come on now, no drop of water may remain in the sky." As Hydra was about to burst into tears, another water droplet, named Aqua, linked arms with her and said, "Come on. Let's fall down together. It's going to be fun. We could end up swimming in a river or sliding on green leaves." Hydra closed her eyed and let herself go. Whooooooaaaa! She finally landed but not in the river or on a green leaf…Hydra wondered "Where did we land?" Sam, who was collecting fresh rainwater to drink, couldn't hear her.

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