API documentation

Integrate ARTE into your application using the ARTE RESTful API. We are in the process of relocating ARTE to a physical server that will be able to handle more requests. As of now, ARTE API can only be used for personal purposes and demonstration.

API Endpoint
ARTE API has a single endpoint


Three parameters - selection, text, and APIkey - are required.
text is the string of characters you want to run a textual difficulty analysis of.
APIkey is a string of characters required for this API feature. Please contact us at jchoi92@gsu.edu to acquire an APIkey.
selection is an array of the readability formulas that you want to run for your text.

Below is a list of the available readability formulas.

Automated Reading Index: ARI
Crowdsourced Algorithm of Reading Comprehension : CAREC
Crowdsourced Algorithm of Reading Comprehension Modified: CAREC_M
Coh-Metrix L2 Reading Index: CML2RI
Flesch-Reading Ease: FRE
Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level: FKGL
New Dale-Chall: NDC
SBERT: SentenceBert

Below is an example raw data sent as a POST request.

    "selection": ["FKGL", "FRE", "CAREC", "CML2RI"],
    "text": "TAALES is a tool that measures over 400 classic and new indices of lexical sophistication, and includes indices related to a wide range of sub-constructs.  TAALES indices have been used to inform models of second language (L2) speaking proficiency, first language (L1) and L2 writing proficiency, spoken and written lexical proficiency, genre differences, and satirical language.

Starting with version 2.2, TAALES provides comprehensive index diagnostics, including text-level coverage output (i.e., the percent of words/bigrams/trigrams in a text covered by the index) AND individual word/bigram/trigram index coverage information. See the User Manual for more information.

TAALES takes plain text files as input (it will process all plain text files in a particular folder) and produces a comma separated values (.csv) spreadsheet that is easily read by any spreadsheet software."

The results are returned in a JSON format.

    "CAREC": 0.30086,
    "CML2RI": 0.07232,
    "FKGL": 15.34,
    "FRE": 31.42