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- W. G., in The Garden

This handsome Japanese shrub is not an uncommon plant in greenhouses, in which it is generally known under the garden name of R. ovata. It is, however, perfectly hardy, and it is with the view of making that fact known that we produce the annexed illustration of it, which represents a spray lately sent to us by Messrs. Veitch from their nursery at Coombe Wood, where the plant has withstood the full rigor of our climate for some years past. The Coombe Wood Nursery is not very well sheltered, and the soil is not of the lightest description; the plant may, therefore, be said to have a fair trial out-of-doors. We have also met with it in the open air in other places besides Coombe Wood, and if we remember rightly, Mr. G.F. Wilson has a fine old bush of it on his rockery which abounds with shrubs of a similar character, all apparently at home.

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