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Aristotle the Water Bottle

- Lamis Asali

Aristotle the Water Bottle was wiser than the rest of the bottles. She dreamed of a wonderful future. She was searching for something different. She hopped around Bottly Island to find what she was looking for, but nothing appeared. Aristotle the Water Bottle has a long life; one thousand years. How will she spend her days, chatting and playing? As she sat and thought… A brown bottle arrived on shore. Inside the brown bottle there was a newspaper. It opened the newspaper and read out aloud, "Change your life. The city gives bottles another chance for a better life." He looked at the rest of the bottles and continued, "If you find a recycling bin, you can become part of baby gown or part of a carpet and if you're lucky enough, you'll travel the world as part of a sleeping bag."

License information: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Go to source: https://www.digitallibrary.io/en/books/details/1376

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