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What is Love? Children's Biography of Helen Keller

- Free Kids Books

Helen Adams Keller was born on 27th June 1880, in Tuscumbia, Alabama, United States. Her family lived on an estate called Ivy Greens, built by Helen's grandfather. Her father, Arthur Keller, spent many years as an editor for the Tuscumbia North Alabamian newspaper, and had served as a captain in the Army. Her mother, Kate Adams, was the daughter of a confederate general. Helen was born with the ability to see and hear. At 19 months old, she became ill, and this illness left Helen both deaf and blind.
As she grew up, she found a way of communicating with the daughter of the family's cook; Martha Washington. They invented a kind of sign language and by the time Helen was 7 years old they had created more than 60 different signs for use in their personal communication.
Around this time, Helen became very frustrated and diffcult to control. She had violent temper tantrums and would giggle uncontrollably when she was happy. Her family was worried about Helen and went in search of help. Unaware of how to deal with Helen's disabilities, the family had indulged , which at this point it was to her detriment.

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