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The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids

- William and Jacob Grimm

So the old goat went on her way into the dark woods.
She had not been gone long when there came a loud rap at the door, and a voice cried: "Open the door, my dear children. I have something here for each of you."
But the young kids knew by the rough voice that this was the old wolf. So one of them said, "We shall not open the door. Our mother's voice is soft and gentle. Your voice is rough. You are a wolf."
The old wolf ran away to a shop, where he ate a piece of white chalk to make his voice soft. Then he went back to the goat's hut and rapped at the door. He spoke in a soft voice and said, "Open the door for me, my dear children. I am your mother."
But the oldest little goat thought of what his mother had said.
"If you are our mother, put your foot on the window sill, that we may see it."
When the wolf had done this, all the little goats cried out, "No, you are not our mother. We shall not open the door."

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