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The Plaid Dress

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"The little girl wants a warm plaid dress. I will give my wool. Who else will help?"
The kind shepherd said, "I will." Then he led the old white sheep to the brook and washed its wool. When it was clean and white, he said, "The little girl wants a warm plaid dress. The sheep has given his wool, and I have washed it clean and white. Who else will help?"
"We will," said the shearers. "We will bring our shears and cut off the wool."
The shearers cut the soft wool from the old sheep, and then they called, "The little girl wants a new dress. The sheep has given his wool. The shepherd has washed it; and we have sheared it. Who else will help?"
"We will," cried the carders. "We will comb it out straight and smooth."
Soon they held up the wool, carded straight and smooth, and they cried, "The little girl wants a new dress. The sheep has given his wool. The shepherd has washed the wool. The shearers have cut it, and we have carded it. Who else will help?"
"We will," said the spinners. "We will spin it into thread."

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