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The woman looked at the bag and said to herself: "Now I wonder what it is that that sly old fellow carries so carefully? It will do no harm to see."
So she untied the string and opened the bag and the ox jumped out and ran out into the yard, and the little boy who was playing there chased him off over the hill and into the wood.
When the Fox came back he saw that the string had been untied, and he said to the old woman: "Where is my ox?"
"I opened the bag the least little bit, and the ox jumped out and the little boy chased him over the hill and into the wood," said the old woman.
"Then I must take the little boy," said the Fox.
So he gathered up the little boy and put him into the bag and tied the string and threw the bag over his shoulder and started off down the road.
When he came to the next house he knocked at the door and said: "Good morning, Good Mother. The way is long and I am weary. May I leave my bag while I go to the store?"

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