"My master petted me and gave me some sugar, and I began to think that being photographed was possibly not so bad, after all. Presently a man came in. He looked very much astonished, and said, ‘Why, I thought you engaged a sitting for "a descendant of one of the early settlers"?'
"‘So I did,' replied my master; ‘there it is,' pointing to where I stood up, blinking with all my might.
"‘Why, it's a cub bear!' exclaimed the man.
"‘Well, it is a relative of some early settlers, all the same,' my master answered.
"At this the man smiled good-humoredly, then he went into another room, while my master petted me and gave me so much sugar that I had the toothache from it. After a while the man came back and said he was ready, and I was taken into a room where there was a big thing like a gun on three legs, with a cloth over it.
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