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So they let down the bars, and the dog, and the cat, and the rooster, and the duck, and the little white pig with the curly tail, and the little boy, and the little girl, all went in to see the cow.
The little girl climbed on the cow's back, and the little boy climbed on the cow's back, and the dog jumped on the cow's back, and the cat jumped on the cow's neck, and the rooster flew up on the cow's head, and the little white pig with the curly tail, and the duck, walked behind the cow, and they all went down the road together just as happy as they could be.
"‘Good morning, pig, come and take a walk with us.'"
Pretty soon they met a carriage with two women in it.
"Mercy on me!" said the two women. "What's this!"
"This is a fine, good show," answered the little girl.
"Well, I should think it was!" said the two women. "It is a beautiful show."
"Thank you," said the little boy.
"Good-by," said the two women.
"Good-by," said the little girl.

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