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The Little Pink Pig and the Big Road

- Jasmine Stone Van Dresser

The little pig squealed and squealed, and the black and white thing rolled him and rolled him over, and kept saying "Bow wow!" But by and by he turned and went away.
The little pig got up and tried to shake off the dust, but he couldn't shake it all off. He wanted to go home, but he had rolled over and over so much, that he couldn't tell where home was. So he ran into a cornfield to hide, till he was sure the black and white thing was gone.
Pretty soon a man came along and found him in the cornfield and said:
"Hello, pink pig, are you eating my corn?"
"Oh, no!" said the little pig. "I would not eat your corn."
"Then you should keep out of my cornfield," said the man. "I will take you home and shut you in a pen."
And he took the little pink pig home and shut him up in a pen.
"I do not want to be shut up. Please let me out," said the little pink pig.

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