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The Kitten That Forgot How to Mew

- Stella George Stern

But one day the kitten wanted to mew, and—what do you suppose?—she had forgotten how to do it! She tried and tried, and all she could say was "M-m-m-bow!"—just as much like a dog as a kitten. She was so sad. She ran out into the yard and cried.
The Big White Hen passed by and asked what was the matter.
"Oh, Big White Hen," sobbed the kitten, "I have forgotten how to talk kitten-talk. I try and I try, and all I can say is, M-m-m-bow!"
"Never mind, Kitty Cat," said the Hen; "I will teach you to talk. Listen to this: M-m-m-cut, cut, cut, cut, cut-ca-da-cut!"
"No," said the kitten; "that's not the way to talk kitten-talk." And she cried again.
Then along came the Sheep and asked, "What is the matter?"
"Oh, Sheep," sobbed the kitten, "I have forgotten how to talk kitten-talk. I try and I try, and all I can say is, M-m-m-bow!"

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