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After they had eaten all they wanted, they thought they would take a walk and see this strange world they had come to live in.
Pretty soon they came to a brook, and they all stood in a row and looked in. "Let us have a drink," they said, so they put their heads down, when—
"Peep, peep!" said Spottie. "I see a little chicken with a spot on its head."
"No, no," said Brownie; "it has a ring around its neck, and looks like me."
"Peep, peep!" said Daisy. "I think it's like me, for it is yellow and white." And I don't know but they would all have tumbled in to see if they hadn't felt something drop right on the ends of their noses. "What's that?" said Fluffy.
"Cluck, cluck!" said Mother Biddy. "Every chicken of you come in, for it is going to rain, and you'll get your feathers wet."
So they ran as fast as they could, and in a few minutes the six little chickens were all cuddled under Mother Biddy's wing, fast asleep.

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