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"How can I go to bed," said Penny, the flossy dog, "till I say good-night to Baby Ray? He gives me part of his bread and milk, and pats me with his little, soft hand. It is bedtime now for dogs and babies. I wonder if he is asleep?"
So he trotted along in his silky, white nightgown till he found Baby Ray on the porch in mamma's arms.
And she was telling him the same little story that I am telling you:
The doggie that was given him to keep, keep, keep,
Went to see if Baby Ray was asleep, sleep, sleep.
"How can we go to bed," said Snowdrop and Thistledown, the youngest children of Tabby, the cat, "till we have once more looked at Baby Ray? He lets us play with his blocks and ball, and laughs when we climb on the table.

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