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- E. Louise Smythe

The next day Jason went to the king and said, "Now, give me the golden fleece."
The king did not give it to him, but said, "Come again."
Then Medea said, "If you want the golden fleece, you must help yourself. My father will not give it to you. A dragon is by the tree where the golden fleece is, and he never sleeps. He is always hungry and eats people if they go near him. I can not kill him but I can make him sleep. He is very fond of cake. I will make some cake and put in something to make the dragon sleep."
So Medea made the cakes and Jason took them and threw them to the dragon.
The dragon ate them all and went to sleep.
Then Jason climbed over the dragon and took the nail out of the tree.
He put the golden fleece under his coat and ran to the ship Argo.
Medea went with him and became his wife.

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