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- E. Louise Smythe

When Jason came to Colchis, he went to the king and said, "Will you give me the golden fleece?"
The king wanted to keep the fleece.
So he said to Jason, "You may have it, but you must do something for me first. You must plow with the brass bulls, and plant the dragon's teeth."
The brass bulls looked like real bulls, but they were larger and stronger. They blew out fire and smoke from their noses and mouths. The bulls had a stall made of iron and stone. They had to be tied with strong iron chains.
When the dragon's teeth were planted, iron men grew up. They always killed the one who had planted them.
The king wanted the bulls to kill Jason.
He said, "If the bulls do not kill him the iron men will."
The king had a daughter named Medea. She saw Jason was a brave young man and did not want him killed. She knew how to help him. She stepped into her carriage, which was pulled by flying snakes. Then Medea flew through the air. She went to hills and creeks and picked all kinds of flowers.

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