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- E. Louise Smythe

Then they went to Freyja's house. They said, "Put on your very best clothes and come with us. You must be Thrym's wife." Freyja said, "Do you think I will be the Frost Giant's wife? I won't be his wife." Thor said, "We can get the hammer back if you will." But Freyja said, "No, I will not be his wife."
Loki said, "You will have to, if we get the hammer back."
Still Freyja said, "I will not go." And she was very angry. She shook so hard that she broke her necklace and it fell to the floor.
Then the gods said, "Thor, you must dress like Freyja. You will have to play you are the bride."
Thor said, "I won't do it. You will all laugh at me. I won't dress up like a girl."
They said, "Well, that is the only way we can get the hammer back."
Thor said, "I do not like to dress like a girl, but I will do it." Then they dressed Thor up like Freyja.
They put on Freyja's dress, necklace and vail, and braided his hair.

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