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- E. Louise Smythe

Sif was Thor's wife.
Sif had long golden hair. Thor was very proud of Sif's golden hair.
Thor was always going on long journeys. One day he went off and left Sif alone. She went out on the porch and fell asleep. Loki came along. He was always playing tricks.
He saw Sif lying asleep. He said, "I am going to cut off her hair."
So Loki went up on the porch and cut off Sif's golden hair.
When Sif woke up and saw that her hair was gone, she cried and cried. Then she ran to hide. She did not want Thor to see her. When Thor came home, he could not find Sif.
"Sif! Sif!" he called, "Where are you?"
But Sif did not answer.
Thor looked all around the house. At last he found her crying. "Oh, Thor, look, all my hair is gone! Somebody has cut it off. It was a man. He ran away with it."

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