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- E. Louise Smythe

They made a big fire but the meat would not cook. They made the fire bigger and bigger, but the meat would not cook.
Then the gods were very cross.
Some one said, "Give me my share, and I will make the meat cook." The gods looked to see who was talking. There in an oak tree was a big eagle. The gods were so hungry that they said, "Well, we will."
The supper was ready in a minute.
Then the eagle flew down to get his share. He took the four legs and there was not much left but the ribs. This made Loki cross for he was very hungry. He took a long pole to hit the eagle. But the pole stuck to the eagle's claws. The other end stuck to Loki.
Then the eagle flew away. He did not fly high. He flew just high enough for Loki to hit against the stones.
Loki said, "Please let me go! Oh, please let me go!"
But the eagle said, "No, you tried to kill me. I will not let you go."

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