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Frank Merriwell's Pursuit How to Win

- Burt L. Standish

The colony on the south shore of Lake Placid was about to break up. Cold weather was setting in. Already many of those who had spent much of the summer there were gone. Others were going. Soon that region would be left entirely to the hunters and the fishermen.
Before returning to the city the cottagers had planned a last grand time in the form of a masquerade dance. They did not call it a "ball." There was to be nothing formal about it.
Thus it happened that the party at Warren Hatch's cottage received an invitation.
Mrs. Medford was tired; she would not attend the dance; but she offered to assist the girls in getting up their costumes.
"Costumes!" cried Inza. "Where will we find them? We'll have to go without special preparation in that line. Frank and Bart are the lucky ones."

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