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Princess Polly At Play

- Amy Brooks

The sound of footsteps running made them turn, just as Gwen Harcourt came racing toward them.
She was a little neighbor, so bold, so regardless of the feelings of others, so apt to tell outrageous stories, that Polly and Rose were not fond of her. She never stopped to question if she were welcome, but entered any house where the door stood open, and at once made herself quite at home, always remaining until she chose to go.
She was evidently quite excited. Her short, curling hair blew about her face, and her cheeks were red.
"What do you think?" she cried. "I've just come from that big house over there, where the people have just moved in. I couldn't tell if I'd like to know them unless I went when I could see them, so this morning I went right up to the door, and as it wasn't locked, I opened it and went in."

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