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The Radio Boys Trailing a Voice; Or, Solving a Wireless Mystery

- Allen Chapman and

Some days later Bob and Herb and Joe were on their way to Bob's house to do a little experimenting on the latter's set when they were surprised at the alacrity with which Jimmy turned a corner and came puffing up to them.
"Say, fellows!" he yelled, as he came within earshot, "I've got some mighty interesting news for you."
"Let's have it," said Bob.
"It's about the snowball Buck fired through the window," panted Jimmy, falling into step beside them. "I met a man who's staying up at the Sterling House. He says Buck's the boy who did it, all right."
"How does he know?" all of the others asked with interest.
"Saw Buck pick up a stone and pack the snow hard around it," said Jimmy importantly. "He saw it himself, so we've got one witness for our side, all right."
"That's good," said Bob, adding, with a glint in his eye: "Say, wouldn't I like to get my hands on Buck, just for about five minutes!"

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