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Ancient Man: The Beginning of Civilizations

- Hendrik Willem Van Loon

Neither will it be a volume of pictures. It will not even be a regular history in the accepted sense of the word.
I shall just take both of you by the hand and together we shall wander forth to explore the intricate wilderness of the bygone ages.
I shall show you mysterious rivers which seem to come from nowhere and which are doomed to reach no ultimate destination.
I shall bring you close to dangerous abysses, hidden carefully beneath a thick overgrowth of pleasant but deceiving romance.
Here and there we shall leave the beaten track to scale a solitary and lonely peak, towering high above the surrounding country.
Unless we are very lucky we shall sometimes lose ourselves in a sudden and dense fog of ignorance.
Wherever we go we must carry our warm cloak of human sympathy and understanding for vast tracts of land will prove to be a sterile desert--swept by icy storms of popular prejudice and personal greed and unless we come well prepared we shall forsake our faith in humanity and that, dear boys, would be the worst thing that could happen to any of us.

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