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Franz Liszt : The Story of a Boy Who Became a Great Pianist

- Thomas Tapper

Some day the operas of Richard Wagner will give you great pleasure. At first they were not liked by the public. Wagner had few friends and his life was very hard. But Franz Liszt believed in him and in his work. And so he helped him.
At first Wagner did not like Liszt. He once said, "I never repeated my first call on Liszt." By this he meant that he wished the acquaintance to end. When Liszt realized that Wagner did not care to understand him, he tried his best to keep the friendship secure. Liszt never wished to misunderstand another human being. So, it was not long before Wagner's opinion of Liszt changed, for he said, later, "Through the love of this rarest friend I gained a real home for my art."
There is one thing true for us all. We carry our early thoughts along with us all through life. The friends we make from youth and the thoughts we think from youth are always at hand to bless us if we have done wisely.

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