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- W. O. C.

Here are some birds having a ride on the weather-vane. The vane is on the top of the barn.
I should think it would make the birds dizzy to swing backwards and forwards. But they like it just as well as some boys like to swing on a gate.
Here is an old crow sitting on the fence. He is a sly old thief. There is a nest in the grass; and he is after the eggs. If you try to get near him, he will fly away, saying "Caw, caw, caw!"
The milk-maid set down her pail of milk, and went to the orchard. A little pig came along, and tipped the pail over; and the milk was all spilled. Never leave milk where a pig can get at it.
A woodpecker had a nest in a hollow tree. A boy climbed up to get the eggs; but the old birds flew at him, and pecked him, and made him get down. I am glad they drove him away. What right had he to meddle with their nest?

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