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- W. O. C.

The cow is in the pasture, feeding. The pasture has been wet with the rain, and the grass is fresh and sweet. The rain makes the grass grow. The sun is hot, and the cow has lain down under a shady tree. She is chewing her cud. It is nice and cool in the shade. But the flies bite her, and plague her. She tries to scare them off; but they come again. Then she gets up, and rubs her nose against the tree.
Now she is standing in the water. The water feels cool to her feet; but the flies still plague her. She splashes the water to drive the flies away. By and by the milk-maid comes out, and calls, "Co-boss, co-boss!" The cow hears her, and walks slowly along to the barn. The cow stands quite still while the maid is milking her. But is not the maid seated on the wrong side of the cow? My cow would kick the pail over if I should milk her in that way.

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