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- Mrs. O. Howard

Annie and her baby-brother went to ride with their papa and mamma. They crossed the river on a long bridge; and beyond it they saw horses and cows feeding on the green prairie.
"What are all these heaps of dirt for?" said Annie.
"We are just entering 'dog-town,'" said her papa; "and those are the houses of the inhabitants. Do you see the two little fellows sitting up on that mound?"
"Yes," said Annie; "but they look like little fat squirrels; don't they, mamma?"
Baby pointed his little chubby finger, and said, "Ish!"
"They are prairie-dogs," said mamma; "but are sometimes called the 'wish-ton-wish' and 'prairie marmot,' and sometimes 'prairie marmot squirrel.' It is like the marmot because it burrows in the ground, and like the squirrel because it has cheek-pouches."
"Well, what do they call them dogs for?" said Annie.
"Let us stop and watch them," said her papa. "Hark! do you hear them bark?"

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