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- Mary Myrtle

Mamma shook her head; though she could not help laughing at the little girl's mistake, for she meant subscribers. It is a hard word; but this little Mamie knew the meaning well.
"O mamma! please do; for you know I love it. And Jennie and Katie and Bessie will love it too, if they only know about it; and, besides, I can get a present, if I send some new names to 'The Nursery' man."
Little Mamie was so urgent in her request, that her mother asked papa what he thought about it.
Papa said, "Oh, let her try if she wants to: it will do no harm." How the black eyes danced! and the little feet could hardly keep still, while mamma dressed her up very warmly, till she was just about as large one way as the other.

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