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- Grace's Papa

Grace reminded him several times of his promise; but papa was always too busy to attend to it. At last Grace said, "When will one of these days come?"—"It shall come now," said papa.
So he got a pipe, and a bowl of soap-suds; and Grace stood at his knee while he blew bubbles. Grace was delighted. "Name them," said she; for papa had named her kittens, and she thought he could name the bubbles.
The first one's name was "Sparkle." It was a very big bubble; but it did not live long. The name of the second was "Glory." I think it might have lived a second longer than it did, if Grace had not touched it with her finger.
The third bubble floated up almost to the ceiling. Its name was "Napoleon." It rose as bravely as if it had no fear of breaking. It expired of old age, after reaching the term of ten seconds and a half.

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