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- Dora Burnside

"What makes the vessel move on the river?" asked little Anna one day of her brother Harry.
"Why," said Harry, "it's the wind, of course, that fills the sails, and that pushes the vessel on. Come out on the bank, and I will show you how it is done."
So Anna, Harry, and Bravo, all ran out on the lawn. Bravo was a dog; but he was always curious to see what was going on. When they were on the lawn, Harry took out his handkerchief, and told Anna to hold it by two of the corners while he held the other two. As soon as they had done this, the wind made it swell out, and look just like a sail.
"Now you see how the wind fills the sails," said Harry.
"Yes; but how does it make the ship go?" asked Anna.
"Well, now let go of the handkerchief, and see what becomes of it," said Harry.
So they both let go of it; and off the wind bore it up among the bushes by the side of the house.

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