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- Aunty May

She took great delight in feeding the chickens; and she even liked to throw bits to the pigs. It made her laugh to see piggy, with one foot in the trough, champing his food with such a relish.
Once she saw her papa scratch piggy's back with an old broom. So, a few days after, she thought she would try it; but, instead of getting an old broom, she took a nice new one, and, reaching over the side of the pen, managed to touch the pig's back with it.
Now, what do you think that ungrateful animal did? He caught the broom in his mouth and began to chew it.
Off went May to her mother as fast as her little feet could carry her. "Mamma, mamma!" said she, "come quick. Oh, dear, dear! piggy is eating the broom."

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