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- Auntie May

One day mousie managed to get his door open and scamper off. Then Ida cried and cried, and was afraid her dear mousie would starve. But after a day or two, as grandma was going upstairs, she saw little mousie hopping up ahead of her.
He ran into Ida's closet. Ida brought the cage; and mamma and grandma made mousie run into it.
"Perhaps it is not the same mouse," said grandma.
"Oh, yes, it is!" said Ida. "I know him by his sore nose."
Ida took good care of mousie till warm weather came, and it was time to go into the country for the summer. Then she took the cage outside the back-gate and opened mousie's door. Mousie was very quiet at first; but soon he peeped out, and, seeing nothing to hinder, he ran away as fast as his little legs could carry him.
I am glad that he was set free; for I do not think he was happy in the cage. I hope he will keep away from traps and cats, and live to a good old age.

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