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- Aunt Mercy

Nearly every day in winter, when they cannot play out of doors, these little girls dress up to represent different characters. They call this "Playing Tableaux;" but their tableaux are something more than pictures, as they act their parts as well as dress them.
Sometimes, for instance, one of the little girls appears as a peddler, who is quite as hard to get rid of as a real one.
Sometimes a washerwoman comes in, and gets about tubs and clothes, and makes all the confusion of washing-day.
Sometimes papa's great shaggy black coat covers what pretends to be "your good old dog Tiger," who is very kind to his friends, but has loud, fierce "bow-wow-wows" and sharp bites for those who are not good to him.
Sometimes poor little lame Jimmy, who can only walk on crutches, comes in to sell shoe-strings, "because," he says, "you know I can do nothing else to help my poor mother."

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