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- Aunt Emmie

One day mousie was so hungry, that he made bold to run at a crumb which had fallen a good way from grandpa's feet. He picked it up as quickly as he could and scampered back with it to his safe little hole.
Finding that grandpa did him no hurt, mousie tried it another day. After a while, he came out every time he saw grandpa open the little basket, and picked up all the crumbs that fell down.
One day grandpa was very tired, and fell fast asleep after he had eaten his cake. Pretty soon he felt a pull at his soft white hair. He put up his hand and down ran mousie.
Not getting as much to eat that day as he wanted, mousie had just walked up grandpa's side to his shoulder, and then upon his head. Wasn't that a strange place for a mouse to try to find something to eat?

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