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- Anna Livingston

Amy was delighted at the thought, and ran home and got her basket, and called her little dog Quilp, with the intention of going at once to pick the blackberries.
Then she thought she would like to find out, with the aid of her slate and pencil, how much money she should make if she were to pick five quarts. She found she should make eighty cents,—almost enough to buy a new calico dress.
"But supposing I should pick a dozen quarts: how much should I earn then?" So she stopped and figured that out. "Dear me! It would come to a dollar and ninety-two cents!"
Amy then wanted to know how much fifty, a hundred, two hundred, quarts would give her; and then, how much she should get if she were to put thirty-two dollars in the savings bank, and receive six percent interest on it.

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