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- Alfred Selwyn

Robert's hope was that he should have a sled. "O Santa Claus!" said he, "if you will only bring me a sled, I will promise to give all your other presents away to those who need them most."
Uncle Charles heard this speech, and said, "May I send word to Santa Claus of your promise?"
"Yes, you may," said Robert; "for I am in earnest about it. If Santa Claus will only bring me a sled, I shall be content."
"And you will bestow his other Christmas-gifts on those who need them most,—is that the bargain?" asked Uncle Charles.
"Yes, that is it," said Robert.
The little boy went to sleep that night, wondering who Mr. Santa Claus was, and whether he would heed a hint from Uncle Charles.
Early Christmas morning, Robert woke; and what do you think he saw by the side of his bed? Well, it was a fine sled, painted red, with thick iron runners.

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