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Well, the children walked and walked, and now and then they got a drive; and, on the third morning, Jessie led Johnny into Boston over the Brighton road.
They found Dr. Williamson. He received them kindly. He examined Johnny's eyes, and then said to Jessie, "I think there are nine chances in ten that I can cure your brother."
Jessie bounded with joy. The good doctor accommodated them in his own house while the cure was going on; and after not many days he sent the children home in the cars, and, as he left them, placed a sealed envelope in the hand of Jessie.
"My bill for your father: there is no haste about it," said he kindly; and then he bade them good-by.
The journey was a short one. Happy enough were the parents to see their dear children back again, and Johnny quite cured of his blindness.

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