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He stood on the brink of an abyss; and far beneath him flowed a stream through the blooming land; and over the waters moved proud vessels with their white sails and their waving flags.
All at once Peterlin saw a bird in the air. "Oh, dear! what if it should be a vulture?" thought he, trembling in every joint. "Oh, if I were only once more under my good old mother's wing! Oh! how I wish I had minded her warning!"
Off ran Peterlin back through the grass, back over the ploughed field, along by the edge of the wood; and then he heard a noise,—"cluck, cluck, cluck!" "Oh, joy, joy! That is my mother's voice!" thought he.
Yes, it was Biddy's voice, calling her runaway child. She approached him at a quick run; and it was not till he was safe under her wing that the quick beat of his heart slackened, and he felt once more at peace. Peterlin then and there resolved that he would wait till he was older before he started again on his travels.

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