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- S. B. T.

This sand bank is a wonderful place for the children. Every fine day Neddy takes his box of playthings, and marches off to the sand-bank; and I think, as I kiss his dear rosy cheeks, what a nice, clean boy he is in his linen blouse, broad-brimmed hat with blue ribbons, white stockings, and neat buttoned boots. He returns after a few hours, looking like a little savage.
"Just fit to go into the washtub," Dinah says; and she is right.
What do they play on the sand bank? I will tell you what they did yesterday, while I sat under the oak tree and worked, and listened to their prattle.
"Let's build cities today," said Tommy Abbott. "Oh, yes!" said Jamie Newton. "I will build Boston," chimed in Neddy: "I don't know much about other places." After each had selected a city to build, they were silent for some time.

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