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- Mamma

As soon as they could get away, the boys ran upstairs to see what the driver had carried to their aunt's room. Fred discovered what it was as soon as he opened the door; but Bertie, who was not yet four years old, was greatly puzzled. "What can it be?" said he, keeping a safe distance away from it.
Now, Fred liked to play tricks upon his little brother sometimes: so he said, with pretended alarm, "Why, perhaps it is a young lion."
After this startling suggestion, Bertie did not wait an instant. He ran as fast as his legs would carry him, screaming, "O mamma! there is a young lion upstairs. O papa! Do get your pistol and shoot him." The poor child was really in a great fright; and all the family ran at once to see what could be the matter.

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Go to source: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/16524/16524-h/16524-h.htm#GREAT-AUNT_PATIENCE_AND_HER_LITTLE_LION

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