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- Homer

Last summer, mamma took me to grandpa's, to stay a few weeks. When we got to the house, I asked grandpa if I might go with him every day to feed the pigs. He said, "Yes."
So the next morning I went. There were four large pigs, and six little ones; and, when the food was put into the trough, they were all so eager to get it, that they kept tumbling over one another.
One morning, there was not a pig in the pen. We hunted everywhere, but could not find them. At last, grandpa said, "They must be in the turnip-garden." Sure enough, there they were.
The moment they saw us, they scampered; but, after a while, we got them all back in the pen. Then grandpa said he wanted to know how they got out: so we hid in the barn.

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