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- Anna Livingston

As Flora grew up, some of the neighbors tried to make her leave the old woman, and come and live with them; but Flora said, "No: she has been kind to me when there was no one to care for me, and I will not forsake her now."
So she kept on in her humble lot; and the old woman taught her the names of all the herbs and wildflowers that grew in the wood, and Flora became quite skillful in the art of selecting herbs and extracting their essences.
There was one scarce herb that grew on the border of "Flora's Looking-Glass." It was used in a famous mixture prepared by the old woman; and, when the latter was about to die, she said to Flora, "Here is a recipe for a medicine which will, someday, have a great sale. Take it, and do with it as I have done."
Flora took the recipe, and the old woman died. But poor Flora was so kind and generous a girl, that she gave the medicine away freely to all the sick people; nor did she try to keep the recipe a secret.

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