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"But why?" yelped the pup, as the maid threw a hearth-brush at his head.
Still no one told him why. But a man just then came upstairs. "Why, what a mess!" he said. "Oh, I see! It is that pup. I thought he knew he must not come in!"
"So I did; but I did not know why," growled the pup, as, with sore back and lame foot, he crept under a chair.
"Come out, come out!" cried the man. "I will not have you in the house at all. Out with you!" And he seized him with a strong hand and chained him in a stall.
"You might have stopped out, and played on the grass if you had stayed there," the man said. "But, as you will come into the house when you ought not to, you must be kept where you cannot do so.

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