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- W.

She carried the kitten into the kitchen, and soon got from the cook a nice pan of milk. Her little brother Harry came running in to see the new kitten eat its dinner, and with him came the old family cat, Mouser, who rubbed and purred against Alice, as if he wanted her to pet him too.
The next thing was to find a name, "pretty, and not too common," Alice said. While she was trying to think of one, she went up to her own little room and searched among her ribbons for a piece to tie around the kitten's neck. She soon found one that was just the thing.
In one of her drawers, she found a tiny bell that somebody had given her and thought it would be a good plan to hang that around kitty's neck by the ribbon. Kitty made no objection to being thus decorated, and a happy thought struck Alice; "Kitty Bell would be just the name for her!" and Kitty Bell it was.

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