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- Uncle Sam

The ground was white with snow. The sky looked black as though another storm were coming. The day was very cold; but the tough boys and girls did not mind the cold weather. They were out to have some fun.
Their rubber boots, and thick coats and mittens, kept them dry and warm. One of the boys, though, had come out bareheaded. He was the boy who never could find his cap when he wanted it. His name was Tom.
"Now look here, Tom," said his brother Sam, a sturdy little chap, who was always trying to keep Tom in order; "this won't do. You go into the house and get your cap. Go quick, or you'll get this snowball right in your face."
"Fire away!" said Tom, dancing around, and putting up his arm to keep off the snowball.
"I'm going to have a hand in this game," said Joe, aiming a snowball at Sam. "Look out for yourself, old fellow."
"Clear the track!" cried Bill and Ned, rolling a huge snowball down the hill.

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