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- Uncle Charles

So one day when Mr. Topliff, who keeps a great toy-shop, said to Edwin, "I'll pay you well for as many of these toy-houses as you can make," Edwin replied, "I'll go to work just as soon as I have finished this bracket; for a little money is just what I want."
Edwin had by practice learned to use his saw with great skill, and he took pains always to do his work well. Gradually he learned to do the finer sort of cabinet-work; and then he puzzled his wits to invent new varieties of toys, and other things often sought for as Christmas presents.
Mr. Topliff said, "You can earn a living by this kind of work, if you choose, Edwin." But no! Edwin had made up his mind to go to college; and so he replied, "If I can pay my college expenses by working at odd hours, Mr. Topliff, I mean to do it—and I think I can."
"So do I," said Mr. Topliff. "You've got the knack. Well, my lad, don't forget the firm of Topliff & Co. Bring us all your pretty things."

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