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- S. E. R.

Waif grew fast, and we taught him ever so many tricks. He has learned to be very useful too, as I shall show you.
On a shelf in the kitchen stands a small basket, with his name, in red letters, printed upon it. To this basket he goes every morning, and barks. When Ellen the cook hears him, she takes the basket down, and places the handle in his mouth. Then he goes to mamma, and waits patiently till she is ready, when he goes down town with her, and brings back the meat for dinner.
When papa gets through dinner, he always pushes back his chair, and says, "Now, Waif:" and Waif knows what that means; for he jumps up from where he has been lying,—and, oh! such fun as we have with him then! He walks on his hind-feet, speaks for meat, and catches crumbs.

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