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- Aunt Emmie

One day, great-aunt Hannah was giving her nephews and nieces a dinner of corn and beans, and apples and cream, and nice bread and butter, and they all sat at the table a long time, talking and laughing, and enjoying themselves.
All at once little mamma said, "Why, where's Percy?" and sprang up, and ran to the side-door, which opened on to the green.
No Percy was to be seen there: so all began to hunt through the sitting-room, even through the parlor (where he never played), out in the kitchen, farther out through the long wood-shed, still farther out in the carriage-house; but he was in none of these places.
Then great-aunt Hannah opened the cupboards, and pulled out the drawers, as though she expected to find the "grand-boy" rolled up in a napkin, and tucked away in a corner.
There was a high state of flutter when mamma peeped round the edge of the open dining-room door, and said, "Come with me."

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