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- Mrs. F. A. B. D.

Max, with his chubby hand, turned to the first page, and found the Christmas-tree, with the baby and flag at the top. Then mamma had to read the story, and, after it was finished, the same little hand turned the leaf back; for the blue eyes wanted to see baby Arthur again.
Then how both pairs of eyes looked at Teddy with his new sled and, while mamma read to them the pretty verses of Teddy's mamma, they were still as mice.
And how their eyes sparkled when they saw the picture of the wheelbarrows and cart loaded with earth! For this was just the way they used to play in the warm pleasant weather. They thought the three little boys must have had lots of fun.
Then they wanted to hear about "Georgie's Pet Mouse," and "Bess and the Kitten." They did not wonder that "Baby" felt cross at having his picture taken; for Max had to sit still so long, and so many times for his, that he knew how to pity the poor baby.

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