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The ground was covered with snow, and now it had begun raining. There was no prospect of a change in the weather, which made Fred's face rather gloomy as he looked out of the window. Harry was turning over the leaves of a storybook. You could see they were both disappointed that the morning was stormy; for when they came to grandpapa's in the winter, they expected bright days and plenty of fun.
"What shall we do?" said Fred.
"Let's go into the garret!" exclaimed Harry.
This plan evidently suited both of them, for they made a rush toward the door; and the dog, awakening from his nap, entered into the idea, too.
At this moment, Aunt Carrie came into the room. They wished it had been grandmamma, for she never laid the least restriction on their sports but smiled on every request and allowed them to do exactly as they pleased.

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